MSNBC Cuts Away After Trump Uses Pandemic Presser To Air Taxpayer Funded Propaganda Film

And you thought the Trump administration couldn't sink any lower?

In a blatant dictator-like move, Trump aired a federal government-produced video that used taxpayer money to broadcast a full-on propaganda video during today's supposed coronavirus briefing to prop up his presidency.

It was clips of politicians that were suffering under the strain of combating the virus.

Remember, Trump and his Fox News minions have been attacking almost every governor who defied Trump and demanded they suck up to him or else they would be refused federal resources to combat the deadly virus.

MSNBC aired some of it and then after realizing what it was cut away from it and host Ari Melber said they would return to the briefing when it became an actual COVID-19 briefing.

After MSNBC cut away from this staged propaganda session, Melber said, "We are cutting into what was not a White House coronavirus task force briefing."

"We are going to avoid airing any more of this White House briefing until it returns to what it was supposed to be, which was the coronavirus task force providing medical information," he continued.

"What we just saw I want to be clear with you, a video the White House put out which suggests they are spending their precious time right now making videos that defend the president's record and tenure rather than provide the much-needed medical information that was promised at these daily briefings."

Trump has turned the office of the United States presidency into a farcical and embarrassing institution like a smarmy dictatorship from a Banana Republic.

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