Kudlow: Let Free Markets Determine When It's Safe To Work

The Trump administration is trying to shift the blame to the free markets with their reopening plans if it backfires.

Donald Trump's economic advisor told a few WH staffers tested positive and Dr. Fauci is in modified quarantine, George Stephanopoulos noted that the White House has access to unlimited coronavirus testing and Americans do not.

How can average Americans feel safe going back to work without access to testing which will help keep them stay safe in a work place environment, Stephanopoulos asked.

Kudlow congratulated states that are phasing in sending Americans back to work, before making this odious declaration: "I think that businesses, large and small, are probably going to wind up leading this charge, as we attempt to reopen the economy and deal with these heartbreaking jobs numbers, these hardship jobs numbers, which are awful."

"So, my point is, why don't we rely heavily on what the businesses, the free enterprise system can produce?," he said.

Businesses are not equipped to make life and death choices for their workers during a pandemic, idgit!

"Companies are very innovative. They know the job that has to be done. They know, on the one hand, folks have to be safe, must be safe," he exclaimed.

Donald Trump's only concern is to get people back to work so that the stock market will stay high because he believes his reelection chances hedge only on the American economy.

Kudlow has been the worst predictor and cheerleader on the U.S. economy before he joined the Trump administration and he went on national television in early March that told everybody that thecoronavirus had been totally contained and now we have over 80,000 deaths in climbing.

Trump is sidelining his medical team as much as possible and has rejected the CDC coronavirus reopening plan, blocked it from the public because not enough people are being thrown out into the open to stimulate a cratered economy.

Trump has abdicated responsibility for his administration's failure to protect the American people and keep them safe during a pandemic to the free markets.

He's not a leader, he's a blamer.

And he will never, ever take responsibility for anything that doesn't glorify his existence.

And that includes getting more Americans infected to serve his vanity.

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