Rick Scott Insists On His Right To Attend In-Person Worship Even If It Kills People

Rick Scott leads the lamebrain idiots on the Republican side telling people to go out and congregate in large groups no matter if they infect themselves and prolong quarantines.

Donald Trump proclaimed last Friday that he was reopening all places of worship during this pandemic and called them "essential services," even vowing to override governors who did not kowtow to his wishes.

Of all the lamebrain idiots on the Republican side telling people to go out and congregate in large groups no matter if they infect themselves and others causing the spread of COVID-19 which leads to serious health conditions and death -- Rick Scott is up there with the worst of the worst.

Scott joined Dana Bash on CNN this morning to defend Trump's threats. Moronically, he claimed that every American has a right to break state and federal laws and go out in public in large gatherings during the pandemic regardless if they spread this devastating virus.

"It doesn't matter what the governor says or president or local leaders," Scott said. "We have a Bill of Rights. We have a right to worship. We have a right to get together, and we need to respect people's religion."

Then he turned to the Cornelius Brothers and said, " I believe, I believe, I believe..." people will do the right thing and follow CDC protocols.

"I believe people will do it safely, I believe they can a social distance. I believe they will wear masks if they're close," he said.

We've already seen the spread of the virus exponentially in the states that have been lifting the self-quarantine order. We've seen the pictures of these idiots so we know people are not following CDC protocols, but don't worry, Rick Scott believes!

He then stated he felt absolutely comfortable going to church.

When the CNN host asked if Donald Trump can override governors orders, Scott once again said it didn't matter. "I have the Bill of Rights. I don't believe they have the right to stop it."

Donald Trump doesn't care if people spread the coronavirus throughout their congregations and throughout their neighborhoods so long as the Christian right, who are among Trumps a staunchest supporters are happy.

Can you imagine if we were dealing with the Bubonic plague also known as the Black Death the leaders of the day were demanding that the people go out and get infected just for the economy?

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