Texas Republican Calls COVID Relief Bill A 'False Utopia'
Dan Crenshaw can't stand all the help individual Americans might get from congressional aid plans.
The unveiling of a $3 trillion new stimulus package has caused the conservative enclaves to meltdown...
...probably since it wasn't Trump or the Senate Republicans who proposed it, it was --gasp!-- Nancy Pelosi!
As the Coronavirus continues to spread, any efforts to help individuals during this pandemic equals "the libs taking away your freedoms".
On Varney & Co. this morning, Congressman Dan Crenshaw told the Fox host that this bill reflects the Democrat Party's (yeah) goal of keeping the American people locked down forever by forever sending them checks.
Trying to keep the American people safe in a pandemic should be the government's number one priority.
Rep. Crenshaw said, "It's like they want to create this sort of socialist utopia where everybody is on some new UBI payment. That's not living in reality - that's living in a false utopia."
It's despicable how Republicans in Congress are trying to force the American people back into the lion's den like unarmed Romans, not caring if somehow we escape with our lives.