Paranoid 'President' Claims Negative Hydroxychloroquine Study Is An 'Enemy Statement'
When a narcissist starts talking about himself in the third person -- beware.
The FDA, CDC and every other health organization worth its salt severely criticized the so-called president on Monday for claiming that even though he's symptom-free of the coronavirus, he's been taken hydroxychloroquine as a precautionary measure.
He's lying. But he's doubling down on his self-defense OF the lie as well.
His need to always be right and never be corrected is so strong that he's willing to spew dangerous snake oil to his gullible followers.
So Tuesday Donald responded with paranoia and delusion.
A reporter asked Trump about his taking the anti-malaria drug and demanded to know why it was okay for him to promote the use of this drug when he's not a doctor.
Trump interrupted, "I work with doctors," and then he bashed the recent Veterans' Administration study on hydroxychloroquine that showed no results as a treatment for COVID-19.
He said they were given to people that were very old and basically dead already.
"It was a Trump enemy statement." he said.
Trump is starting a new conspiracy theory that goes something like this: "the entire medical community is against me so they will not try and cure COVID-19."
This sounds more like it's coming from a paranoid individual than a normal person, let alone a US president.
Then he started to cite tests from European countries that have been widely debunked by scientists here.
Donald then claimed that he believes hydro serves as a buffer between you and the coronavirus.
And then he made another very dangerous claim that can cause people real harm.
Trump said quite calmly, "Plus, it doesn't hurt people," making believe that since this anti-malaria drug has been on the market for decades, it's perfectly safe to use.
Just like spearmint chewing gum?
Most Americans understand that's not how medications work.
Neil Cavuto has expressed outrage at this dangerous nonsense.
And then his paranoia kicked in. He said if it was anybody else was touting this unproven treatment they would be called smart.
There are many things a person can call Donald Trump but "being smart" is not one of them. Especially when it comes to COVID19.