Trump Rages After Twitter Finally Slaps Fact-Checks On His Tweets

No, Twitter didn't stamp Trump's tweets with the "LIE" sticker, but they did at least link to factual information on two tweets filled with lies.

Twitter has finally crossed the rubicon and decided that some of Trump's tweets are a lie too far. After Trump tweeted about California governor Gavin Newsom's decision to mail ballots to registered voters in order to save lives, Twitter decided after all these years that enough was enough.

Trump tweeted that "mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged and even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed." There is nothing in that sentence that is true. Mail-in ballots have bar codes and must be signed by the voter. In California, those signatures are compared to the voter registration, something which is not done with in-person voting.

Twitter noticed, and for the very first time added a link to actual FACTS. What a concept.

While it's great that they flagged his tweet and linked to facts, there are many such tweets which should be flagged. Every one of his tweets, for the most part. And until the embedded tweets reflect that fact check, only a small fraction of people will see them.

It's a tiny step forward but until every one of his tweets is linked to a fact check, it's just a drop in the bucket.

UPDATE: It may be a drop in the bucket, but Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale is taking it like a very bitter, bitter pill:

UPDATE 2: Translation of SMOTI: Stupidest Man on the Internet is all spun up too:

UPDATE 3: White House Tweeter tweets:

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