Val Demings Stomps On Trump's Lack Of Leadership Ability
Trump never leads, only whines and America is burning because of it.
Rep. Val Demings blasted Donald Trump for continuing to never show any type of leadership as President of the United States on Sunday's Meet The Press.
Demings was the first female Chief of the Orlando Police Department. She is now a Congresswoman from Florida's 10th District. She joined Chuck Todd to address the volatile situation in Minnesota and other cities, blasting the overall absent president occupying the White House.
After explaining how quickly Minnesota fired and then arrested the officer who killed George Floyd, Todd asked her about the fact that the coronavirus is affecting minority communities at a much higher level than other areas.
Rep. Demings discussed how President Lyndon Johnson addressed the same problem 50 years ago and knew he also had to address the economic problems that are systemic in African-American and minority communities as well as hiring the best and brightest to police our neighborhoods.
The country has to admit that there is racism in America and injustices that come with it, she emphasized.
"It certainly would help if we had leadership at the top," she said. "If there was ever a time we need leadership in the White House, it is now, to help heal our nation."
"But I don't know why I would expect this president to do something that he has never done before and we have never seen before," she continued pointedly.
Todd asked Rep. Demings to give some advice for how to handle the situation.
"I would tell him to begin with showing some compassion for the persons who -- the families that have lost their loved ones. Let's start there," she replied.
Instead, Trump's response was to threaten to send in the military and shoot protesters to protect personal property.
Meanwhile, Mike Pence spent all day yesterday tweeting about Space X and NASA.
No leadership to be found anywhere in that White House.