Hannity Eggs On Our Arsonist-In-Chief By Pushing For De Facto Martial Law
Fox's Sean Hannity did his best to aid and abet Trump and his dream of being a dictator this Monday when he urged him to invoke the Insurrection Act if rioting continues in cities across the country.
As we discussed here yesterday, Trump was more than willing to allow peaceful protesters to be hit with tear-gas, beaten, and shot with rubber bullets, just so he could have his photo op in front of a church across from the White House.
Fox's Sean Hannity did his best to aid and abet Trump and his dream of being a dictator during the opening of his show this Monday, when he urged Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act if rioting continues in cities across the country, and use “Tear gas, mace if necessary, rubber bullets” if governors and mayors don't get the protests under control soon.
Trump's presidency has become a danger not only to our democracy, but our civil society. His enablers in the Congress have sat silently or expressed feigned "concern" while he continues to erode our democratic institutions, and his enablers like Sean Hannity have done far more damage day in and day out, not only enabling him, but leading a man by the nose who is completely unfit to hold the office he now serves, and pushing him into more and more dangerous territory where we're going to be lucky to survive as a nation if it continues.
When, and how they're all finally pushed into the dustbin of history and whether we survive both Trump and his enablers remains to be seen. The fact that anyone allows Hannity to remain on the air tells us that they have absolutely no concern for either.