Jesse Watters: ‘Quite Jarring’ To Hear Obama Talk About Racism When He Was Elected Twice

Fox News couldn’t be bothered to actually air President Barack Obama’s town hall on police violence but The Five cohosts had plenty of time to cherrypick his comments on institutional racism and whitesplain that it’s a thing of the past.

Cohosts Dana Perino and Lawrence Jones had the decency to refrain from much commentary given that they had not seen Obama's town hall. But not blowhard Greg Gutfeld. After weeks of Fox slobbering over (white) armed protesters violating shutdown laws, Gutfeld is now a big fan of law and order. He called the George Floyd protests an “insurrection.”

Worse, Gutfeld lectured that the U.S. has already done everything possible for those Blacks Behaving Badly. He didn’t come right out and say it, but the subtext was, “So stop whining about getting killed by the police!”

GUTFELD: Former President Obama mentioned structural - a long history of institutional racism. What if you want to help and you would say, “How do I fix it? How do I fix it? How do I fix it? What can I do?” No one really has an answer because when you get to the specifics of what you can do, people are actually doing it and there’s actually documented progress that people are fixing things.

Take the Minneapolis Police Department, right? They’ve tried. They’ve tried to increase minority police. They’ve instituted diversity classes, they’ve had comprehensive, documented plans to reform their entire force and yet they have problems attracting officers. That is not systemic racism.

If you were trying to change things and if you look at progress and you see what people are doing – declines in shootings and … just people trying to do better at work and you say, well, you know we still have institutional racism. What that’s saying is nothing we can do can change it, therefore, violence is inevitable.

The fact is, if a young, black, successful, earnest man enters any business looking for a job, Human Resources will be drooling. They will be drooling, right? So the idea that this is still institutional racism and you can’t tell us what to do means that we can’t do anything.

Jesse Watters, who can't understand why anyone thinks Donald Trump is "racially insensitive" was on the same page “what racism?” page as Gutfeld:

WATTERS: It was quite jarring to hear the black president talk about how racist the country is that elected him twice and he was there for the last eight years and this country is still racist, it’s systematically racist. Not sure what that means. The only suggestion from his camp on how to change the systemic racism was from his VP Biden yesterday and, you know what his idea was? Have a commission. I mean, really, that’s your idea? I mean, that’s like the stereotypical kick the can down the road politician idea that just buries something that we’ve heard for the last hundred years. So, no one has any ideas except yell, scream, be mad, and like I said earlier, they’re just riding this rage into November because Biden himself, they know he can’t bring this over the finish line.

The one ostensibly liberal cohost, Juan Williams, never challenged a word, except to say, right before he teased the next segment. “Oh, boy, I hope that people know about police reform. Even President Trump talks about that.”

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