Lara Logan Promotes Insane Theory: 'Antifa Infiltrating Law Enforcement'

Fox Nation's Lara Logan dons her tinfoil hat and claims Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is working for Antifa.

Laura Logan used to be a well respected, on-the-ground reporter for CBS during the Iraq war, but now she's a right-wing wacko promoting conspiracy theories for Fox.

Thursday she claimed (as has Trump and Bill Barr) that the protests worldwide against the police murder of George Floyd were instigated by Antifa.

This is nuts.

She "stumbled" onto this big story from verified Anitfa accounts where she claims a deep state source in the government is leaking information about the Department of Homeland Security, police officers and others.

QAnon , much?

I believe she's trying to out-do James O'Keefe with this garbage.

Logan said, "These people have a very significant organization and every time we say I don’t want to talk about this, I want to talk about these other issues, look at the history of these groups.”

Logan implicated prominent politicians like Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison. REALLY.

“They go back to Ferguson and all the others. The head of the police of Minneapolis is black. The attorney general there is black. The person in charge of state security is black. So saying that this is a race issue is allowing these groups to proliferate, to infiltrate law enforcement, and attempt to burn this country to the ground, which is their ultimate goal.” Hogan then turned to Fox contributor Geraldo Rivera and claimed: “They want to kill everyone.”

Hannity showed the widely ridiculed and debunked Project Veritas video with the supposed Antifa guy and the "Antifa bookstore" -- which actually closed in then Logan saying there are more book stores across the country where they're meeting, saying they're dumping pallets of bricks for protesters. That, of course, led to a shouting match with Geraldo. This is what Fox News calls debate:

The vast majority of the protests throughout the country were peaceful, but even where violence flared, things have calmed down. This undermines her wackadoodle theories.

Nobody is too extreme for Fox News to hire in an election year. Pushing Antifa and Project Veritas baloney proves how desperate they've become.

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