Pat Robertson Compares Black Lives Matter To The Charles Manson Family

The Evangelical leader told his flock BLM wants to start a class war to destroy our nation.

On Thursday's 700 Club, Pat Robertson claimed the Black lives Matter movement is a Marxist, anarchist organization that wants to start a race war to destroy the fabric of our country.

The CBN show opened with a hit piece on the BLM organization. Then Robertson flew in with a hate-filled monologue.

Robertson said, "Don't be a part of sheep."


Robertson said a couple of the organizers are flat out Marxists and communists, and added, "These people are like the Antifa, they're nihilists, anarchists - they want to destroy everything we believe in!"

SO... Pat believes murdering Black Americans by the police is like eating apple pie?

Like Trump, Robertson is outraged that they are tearing down statues and symbols of the Confederacy.

Robertson claimed they're "acting out on blind rage, undisciplined rage, trying to destroy this nation of ours."

"They will destroy the fabric of this nation!"

He then likened the BLM supporters to Charles Manson and his family.

"The game plan of the anarchist is to set one class against another to start the people fighting each other," Robertson said.

Later in the day, Trump jumped on his talking points.

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