Tom Cotton's Evil Op-Ed Calls For Trump To Sic The Brownshirts On America

Senator Tom Cotton is the most bloodthirsty of all Vichy Republican Senators.

Psycho Senator Tom Cotton once again called on Trump to send in the military to restore what he considers law and order on US soil, this time in the pages of the New York Times.

Cotton is a vile warmongering bastard whose first response is always to use the military against all foes without hesitation or debate -- even US citizens.

I know he's a sitting United States Senator but some opinion pieces should not be published in major newspapers like the New York Times. And this is one of them.

Let him toil on the pages of the Washington Times or The Federalist, they all bow down to their lord and savior.

Cotton is calling for Trump to authorize the Insurrection Act against protesters after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.

In these circumstances, the Insurrection Act authorizes the president to employ the military “or any other means” in “cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws.”

This situation has been caused by an unchecked segment of our law enforcement that are racist and murderous, but Senator Cotton's solution to use much stronger oppressive law enforcement to ramp up the violence and tension in the US.

In all of Cotton's tweets that I could find in response to the ugly tragedy in Minnesota, he's only mentioned George Floyd's name once.


Now we know what's important to him. And he's willing to turn our military into brown-shirted jackbooted thugs to do so.

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