Trump Sacrifices Supporters Lives By Promoting 'Wild Evening' In Tulsa Rally
The president is holding a no mask required rally tonight that puts his supporters at risk of contacting and dying from the coronavirus all in an effort to help his reelection campaign.
Getting sick from COVID-19 and then dying is just fine by Trump.
You'll be sacrificing your life for Trump, the country, and that's honorable. Next - please get sick and die for the economy.
Of all the foul and vile things Donald Trump has done since he came down from the escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy, calling Mexicans murderers and rapists — this may be the worst.
Trump used his subservient Vice President to write a phony article in the Wall Street Journal that claims: There Isn’t a Coronavirus ‘Second Wave.’ As usual, he blames the media for ginning up your fear of COVID-19. Pence has done this all in an effort to motivate Trump's rally-goers to show up in droves during a pandemic.
This should be criminal.
On Friday, Trump's press secretary said that wearing a mask for officials who attend the Oklahoma rally was a "personal choice,' and that she won't wear one, even though that goes against CDC guidelines.
Trump gave an interview to Axios on Friday and said that "we have to get back to living our lives" and "we're going to have a wild evening tomorrow night at Oklahoma." A "wild evening?"
The CDC, and especially Dr. Fauci, have been telling Americans NOT to gather in large groups — and if you are outside, to wear masks — but indoor gatherings are especially dangerous, and create a highly infectious environment.
Even the malleable Dr. Birx has pushed back against Trump's deadly plans.
Trump couldn't care less. He'll do what he wants, even if it flies in the face of warnings from Trump's own government's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
During the 2016 election Trump bragged that if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, his supporters would still love him. He's banking on that now, as thousands of Trump cultists are lining up to be shot with COVID-19, and putting their own lives in the balance just to attend and cheer for a narcissistic, misogynist, racist, tweeter-in-chief .
The only thing that matters is the reelection of Donald Trump.
The only thing that matters to Donald Trump is Donald Trump.