Tucker Carlson's White Power Hour Stokes Race War: 'Remember That When They Come For You'

Tucker Carlson spent the first 30 minutes of his Fox News White Power Hour on a racist rant against Black Lives Matter and the protests sweeping the country.

Tucker Carlson spent the first 30 minutes of his Fox News White Power Hour on a racist rant against Black Lives Matter and the protests sweeping the country, while wrapping himself in the mantle of a populist who gives a damn about social services in Black communities.

As as usual, the caucasian menace used abortion as a weapon while stoking fear and loathing (or at least, trying to) within the white enclaves of the country. In other words, he is perfectly fine with starting a race war in service of Dear Leader and the Republican cause.

"No matter what they tell you, it has very little to do with Black lives, if only it did," Tucker whined. "If Democratic leaders cared about saving the lives of Black people, and they should, they wouldn't ignore the murder of thousands of young Black men in their cities every year."

"They wouldn't put abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods," he went on. "They would, instead, do their very best to improve the public schools and to encourage intact families which we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is central to the life prospects of children."

As if Republicans haven't been the ones cutting everything from SNAP benefits to diverting federal funding for schools to charter schools. But sure, Tucker, tell me more about how concerned you are about Black people. It's insulting, you know, to just paint all Black folks as inner-city dwellers living in crime-infested enclaves. But I digress, because he wasn't finished.

"They'd try to make Black neighborhoods as safe as their own neighborhoods. They would close the payday lenders that add so much misery to poor people of all colors," he said. "But they don't even consider doing any of this, they don't even try. Instead, they encourage theft and mayhem as if that will help."

Huh. Let's talk about payday lenders, which Democrats did their level best to rein in only to be thwarted by their Republican colleagues who took big payoffs to keep those bastards alive, shall we? Or perhaps we should point Tucker to the more recent rollback of consumer protections from payday lenders by the Trump administration -- an intentional rollback of protections instituted which were actually effective.

Everything Tucker bitches about is the fault of his own "conservative" compatriots. But again, there's more.

Here's the punchline, bolded for emphasis: "This may be a lot of things, this moment we're living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives. And remember that when they come for you and at this rate, they will. "

He followed that up with this: "Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling. It's like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly. And the temptation is to panic. But you can't panic. You got to keep your head and tell the truth. Tell the truth. If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you. "

That right there is a call to arms. He's jonesing for a full-blown race war and he's fine with people dying as a consequence. His heavily armed paranoid viewers are already primed for bear, and now he's told them those scary Black folks accompanied by their white Democrat posse are coming for them.

He should lose his right to broadcast for this. He should be taken off the air. NOW. Apparently he still has sponsors. Here is the list. Let's come for him instead.

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