Tulsa Trump Supporter Says He'd Have To Commit Adultery To Lose Her Vote
A Trump supporter waiting to attend his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma told a reporter that Trump would have to "commit adultery on his beautiful, classy wife" to lose her support, before dismissing him doing just that with Stormy Daniels.
Trump supporter "Rosie," who was waiting in line at his super-spreader event rally this Friday was asked by reporter Andrew Kimmel just what Dear Leader would have to do to lose her support, and apparently this cult member wasn't aware of his affair with adult film star Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. Stormy Daniels.
"Rosie" doesn't appear a big fan of the need for a free press either. What a shock, right?
Here are the exchanges with Kimmel that he posted on Twitter:
While Kimmel did remind the her of the affair, he did not ask "Rosie" if she thought 60 was "young."
h/t Raw Story