Ari Fleischer Blames America For Russian Bounties On Our Troops In Afghanistan
Ari Fleischer is here for whatever lies are necessary to protect Dear Leader.
Trump surrogates will say and do anything to shield Trump from his incompetence when it becomes public.
In response to Trump covering up the fact that Russia put bounties on US troops in Afghanistan (It's been reported as $100K) while never taking any action towards Russia or even breathing a word of criticism to Vladimir Putin publicly or in private, former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer blamed the United States for doing the same thing back in 1989.
I kid you not.
His words left my mouth agape as my jaw hit the ground.
Sub-host Julie Banderas asked Fleischer how he thought Trump handled this Russia bounty gate crisis for his administration and the lives of our troops.
No, it's not. Just answer the f**king question.
WTF does that have to do with Trump's disgraceful actions in 2019 and 2020? Nothing at all.
And then Fleischer went there and blamed America first.
All Trump sycophants never answer a direct question when it involves Trump's despicable behavior because there is no defense for his actions, non-actions or sophistry.
Then Ari actually defended the fact that Russia offered the Taliban cash for killing US troops (an assassination program) by claiming everybody does it so what's the big deal.
Banderas pressed him on more on Russia's actions and Fleischer while never commenting on Trump, redirected his ire over it onto the Democrats and made believe there was nothing short of a full scale war with Russia available to the U.S.
The Democrats are fake posturing about this. What do they want to do? Do they want us to go to war with Russia? Do they want us to have a military incursion? Do they want us to take out Russian assets?
I have no words.
The NY Times has more: Afghan Contractor Handed Out Russian Cash to Kill Americans, Officials Say