Fast Food Covidiot: 'We Don't Cover Our Faces In America!'

Here we have a specimen of the most vile COVIDiot: A woman screaming obscenities and Trump 2020! while declaring her independence from the mask.

Here we have a specimen of the most vile COVIDiot: A woman screaming obscenities and Trump 2020! while declaring her independence from the mask.

First, a declaration of independence from the mask. "We don't cover our faces in America. They don't control us, we're Americans," North Carolina resident Jennifer Kaye shouts to everyone within earshot.

After a man in line responds by telling her to get away from him, she launches into a profanity-laced tirade with a large dollop of racism. It's possible the man used the term bitch, but I couldn't hear it.

"You must be a Democrat. You worship Obama don't you? Peace. Love. Harmony. Trump 2020, baby," Kaye shouts back. "Fcking Democrat, antifa motherfcker, Black Lives Matter motherfcker, our lives matter."

The man with her -- who was not just unmasked but also shirtless -- ushered her out in a hurry after that, but she got her point across.

Let's add Jennifer Kaye to the list of COVIDiots who will probably come down with this plague and land in an ICU. I hope she doesn't, but the odds are not in her favor.

Watch the whole video below:

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