Fox And Friends Does Its Duty: Defend Trump's Incompetence On Russia Bounty

Fox and Friends has one job. Make Trump look like he's not a complete incompetent. They're struggling.

On Fox and Friends earlier today, all three hosts tried to defend Trump's usual mishandling of a national security issue by claiming Taliban fighters are always trying to kill American soldiers, even if bounties were put on them by Russia.

Fox News ran a pre-roll segment on the Russia Bounty Gate story by Griff Jenkins.

Trump and Mike Pompeo dismissed the avalanche of reports from all the most credible news sources in the world by claiming Trump was never briefed on Russia's assassination plans.

Never briefed. The so-called president. They're committing to that particular lie.

They did include former Marine Corps officer and now Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton's comments that Trump committed treason by either disregarding or not bothering to read intelligence reports.

"And if got my Marines killed, I wouldn't be tweeting excuses, I would be in prison," Rep. Moulton said.

Kilmeade opened up by trashing the Congressman and defending Trump for not reading his daily briefings because they are like "a mini-novel every single day."

And Trump can't have those pesky briefings interrupting his Fox News cable time!

Brian claimed the Russia Bounty report wasn't briefed to Trump directly just because he said so and Trump never lies.

Then he shifted gears claiming "people once again can't wait to get there claws into another Russian controversy."

Ainsley, "I know."

Doocy, "Politics."

Kilmeade continued, "And If you ask me, if you tell me if it’s news that a Taliban official would want a Taliban fighter wants to kill an American, that’s called every day for the last 19 years."

Can I get an amen, brother?

“If the Russians’ money's involved there, let’s find out. But it is not big news that a Taliban guy is trying to kill an American soldier,” Kilmeade said.

And Trump for some inexplicable reason that we aren't aware of at this time refuses to take real action against Putin.

Ainsley Earhardt jumped in and angrily said this to Rep. Moulton regarding his treason comments.

“Guess what? He didn’t know about it, he wasn’t briefed on it.”

Case closed. He didn't know.

At least they didn't blame America like Ari Fleischer did, but this was gaslighting at its finest regarding another Trump failure to defend America from Russia.

These people have no shame.

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