Fox Anchor: 'If Obama Had Given A Speech Like This' GOP Would Have Flipped

What Digby said -- Republican heads would have swiveled on their shoulders and their mouths would have erupted with green bile like Linda Blair in “The Exorcist.” -- if Obama did it.

Trump held a bizarre Rose Garden press event, which forced the press to attend.

But it was camouflage for him to hold a 52-minute campaign rally speech.

It was so off-the-wall that Fox News' anchor Bret Baier remarked that as a matter of tradition, past presidents "stayed away from overt campaign rhetoric from the Rose Garden or the White House."

Not Trump!

Nothing is sacred to Donald except himself, and maybe Ivanka. But if it came down to it, he'd throw his daughter to the wolves or lions if need be.

And then Baier let loose some honesty.

“It is worth noting to be fair, if President Obama had given a speech like this in the White House, Republicans on Capitol Hill would have been up in arms.”

Up-in-arms is a polite way to say that Republicans and most of Fox News would have been frothing at the mouth like zombies searching for brains.

Digby writes about this mockery of our political system:

He started out a little bit low energy, but even without the ecstatic cult members shrieking “Lock her up!” and “Build that wall!” he managed to work himself up to deliver one of his patented incoherent rally performances as if the audience in front of him weren’t a bunch of masked-up, socially distanced reporters, who were undoubtedly confused as to why they had been summoned to the Rose Garden to act as props for Trump’s stump speech.
Indeed, if Obama had done anything like that, Republican heads would have swiveled on their shoulders and their mouths would have erupted with green bile like Linda Blair in “The Exorcist.” After all, they had a full-blown hissy fit when Obama wore a tan suit to the White House briefing room one day.

If President Obama said 98% of the crap Trump does, Republicans in Congress would have been in a constant state of fury since 2015, but they are as cowardly against Trump.

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