Fox News Promotes Idea That 'Super Secret Trump Voters' Are Skewing Polls
Fox and Friends explains Trump's plummeting poll numbers away by introducing the very ashamed yet committed Trump voter who won't tell pollsters they support Donald.
Did you know that there are millions and millions of secret Trump voters who are hiding underground and refuse to expose themselves especially if pollsters call?
Have you ever seen a quiet Trump voter before?
Neither have I.
They don't hide in the shadows except in very blue districts possibly. Otherwise they take pride in the glorification of Trump.
They scream about owning the libs, refuse to wear masks against the coronavirus, and claim the deep state and the entire media is out to get Trump every chance they get.
Monmouth released a new poll for Pennsylvania which shows Biden up by 13 points of registered voters but many people believe there are possible secret voters.
But if you watched Fox and Friends this morning that wasn't the case at all. This invigorated them. What's crazy is that they denounce the accuracy of all these polls but then take one sample question about the possibility of secret voters and run with it wildly as if it's fact.
Brian Kilmeade gave hope to worried Trump supporters.
"But of people who believe that Donald Trump will be successful they talk about a secret vote, the underground vote because if you wear are a red hat or bumper sticker on your car you're open to derision, maybe physical visit attacks so people keep their mouths shut," Kilmeade told viewers. "There's a lot of people who believe there's underground support for the president."
Co-host Steve Doocy then took over and ranted about how reliable the polls are with this new "secret voter" information.
Not that there is any evidence of massive secret Trump voters, but who needs facts without any evidence when they have QAnon?
"Where you look at the polls and you say Joe Biden is way ahead and that's across the board," he continued. "But then you think about but how many secret voters are there?"
He's claiming there's a massive amount of people who love Trump, but when called by a pollster refuse to speak to them, and that's skewing all the polls.
Doocy continued, "How reliable all the polls given the fact there are these secret voters..."
Right wing pundits tried to claim that it was secret voters back in 2016 that elected Trump, but that wasn't the case at all.
On October 28, FBI director Comey sent a letter to members of Congress advising them that the FBI was reviewing more emails.
As Five Thirty Eight and Trump's own internal pollster acknowledged, that this was a turning point via the October surprise Trump needed to sway the election in his direction.
Trump lost by close to 3 million votes, remember?
However Trump TV must always find a needle in a haystack to glorify Trump. It's state sponsored television propaganda at its worst.