Jim Jordan Flips Out When Colleague Notes His 'Conspiracy Theories' In House Meeting
Jim Jordan does not like it when Mary Gay Scanlon points out his whining about "censorship of conservatives" and "unmasking Michael Flynn" is promoting conspiracy theories.
Never forget that Michael Flynn was caught working out a bribe and quid pro quo -- removal of Russian sanctions in exchange for natural gas stock in his own pocket, just before Trump took office. He lasted twenty-two DAYS as Trump's first National Security Advisor.
Informing Congress that the American citizen in the transcripts of phone calls with Russians is Michael Flynn? That's called unmasking. It happens all the time. I explained it in this post.
And here's Jim Jordan, with a real opportunity to talk about trust-busting and the actual control social media has on our economy and politics, instead making squeaky noises about "silencing conservatives" and "unmasking Michael Flynn." Because Jim Jordan's ONLY JOB is to provide brainwashing soundbites for Fox News viewers.
Thank the moon for Pennsylvania Democrat Mary Gay Scanlon, who has been a rock star this week.
And then Jim Jordan freaked out and started yelling. "Mr. Chairman, we have the email! There is no fringe conspiracy theory!"
And when a colleague asked Jordan to put his mask on, Jordan said, "Talk about masks. Why would the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury unmask Michael Flynn’s name?"
And no one said "Because Michael Flynn was committing treason against the United States," which is the only answer you should ever give that question, the end.
UPDATE: In case you think Jim Jordan ISN'T engaged in fake theater: