Police Confiscate Weapon From 'Ken And Karen' Who Threatened BLM Protesters

Patricia and Mark McCloskey are one AR-15 lighter today, thanks to a search warrant executed last night. The police took the rifle, and the couple claims their (former) attorney has the pistol the couple used to point at BLM protesters last month.

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when a racist couple of white-privileged, gun-toting, wingnut @sswipes pointed their guns at Black Lives Matters protesters in their neighborhood? Yeah, they have names, and I guess I should use them, since there are so many of these criminally racist entitled douchenozzles running around armed and triggered in this country.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are the ones in St. Louis to whom I am specifically referring, and I darken your memories with their visages for at least a decent reason. The police searched their property Friday night, and the rifle The Mister was threatening peaceful protesters with has been confiscated.

Sources told 5 On Your Side that police seized one of the weapons, the rifle, from the couple and they told police their attorney has the pistol seen in photos.

5 On Your Side is not aware of any charges against the McCloskeys at this time, and the warrant served Friday evening was just for the guns.

Remember, these are the folks who went on CNN to say that THEY were the victims of "terrorism" — at the hands of the oppressed, and those peacefully demanding equality they've been denied for centuries, of course...remind me again how that constitutes terrorism, again?

So they gave up their rifle to the police, and claim their former attorney has the pistol. They have a new attorney, who says he doesn't know where the pistol is, and of course, does not believe his clients should be charged with any crimes. And they haven't been.


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