Trump Demands All Schools Be Reopened; Threatens School Funding

THAT should win over the suburban mom vote (not)!

Donald Trump isn't interested in protecting Americans. He's interested in getting re-elected.

And he's willing to put America's schoolchildren at risk for his own glory.

On Tuesday, he held one of his sycophantic Blights of the Round Table meetings, where he requires a cadre of staffers to gushingly glorify his existence at length.

Then he discussed the pandemic and how those mean teachers won't go back to work.

Incredibly, Trump demanded that governors reopen all schools in the fall with no consideration as to how the country will be handling COVID-19.

Trump bled off his mini-Me Gov. DeSantis and said, "[DeSantis] just announced that the schools will be open in the fall and we hope that most schools are going to be open."

He continued, "We don't want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons. They think it's going to be good for them politically so they keep the schools closed- no way."

Schools are closed to protect our children and students from being infected and transmitting a highly infectious virus, but to Trump that hurts his poll numbers.

Then he tried to strong-arm any governor who refuses to put the lives of our next generation in jeopardy by threatening school funding? That's not going to win you suburban moms, Donald.

"So we're very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools to get them open and it's very important. It's very important for our country. It's very important for the well-being of the students and the parents so we are going to be a lot of -- putting a lot of pressure on open your schools in the fall," Trump demanded.

Obviously the entire nation wants to get back to normal as soon as possible including having our kids back in school, but not at the risk of having more Ground Zero explosions of infection.

He's sacrificing our most precious resource -- our children -- in an effort to save his campaign.

The way he's conducted himself as the pandemic unfolded has been nothing short of catastrophic.

Claiming we have zero cases then saying the virus will just go away.

Promoting phony cures like hydroxychloroquine as well as telling people to ingest detergents.

Refusing to implement the DPA in a timely fashion and instead claimed medical staffs were stealing lifesaving equipment and selling it out the back door with no proof.

Trump has refused to nationally mandate the wearing of masks out in public to quell the transmission of the coronavirus and held unnecessary campaign rallies without CDC guidelines being implemented.

And so it goes, on and on.

I doubt parents will decide to send their children off to infection-school so will Trump demand that they comply or their kids will fail?

The NEA came out and did not hold back: Teachers Say Rush to Reopen Schools Without Covid-19 Safety Plan Shows Trump and DeVos 'Do Not Care About Students'

A coalition representing millions of American teachers and parents slammed President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday over their push to reopen schools by the fall without first presenting a concrete plan to protect students and educators from Covid-19.

The groups warned that "without a comprehensive plan that includes federal resources to provide for the safety of our students and educators with funding for personal protective equipment, socially distanced instruction, and addressing racial inequity, we could be putting students, their families, and educators in danger."

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