Trump Strong Arms The CDC

Trump plans to force the CDC to relax their safety guidelines for COVID-19, regardless of the health of our children and all for the sake of his re-election campaign.

Fact are facts.

Science is science.

The earth is round.

Einstein proved his theory of Special Relativity and General Relativity with ingenuity and math.

Dirac's equation is the most beautiful.

And we now have this.

“The current state [of the virus spread] is really not good,” Fauci said Tuesday on Facebook Live. “We are still knee deep in the first wave” of COVID-19 infections.

Not surprisingly, Dr. Fauci was kept out of today's school reopening presser run by VP Pence and Trump political appointees who dismissed CDC guidelines for protecting ourselves from the virus.

Instead, the White House is going to release their own guidelines, just like they did when they forced states to reopen their economies before the virus was contained. Heaven help us.

New York Governor Cuomo struck back at the deviant in the White House.

“School reopenings are a state decision. Period. That is the law and that is the way we’re going to proceed. It’s not up the President of the United States,” Cuomo said during a news briefing in Albany. “The president does not have any authority to open schools. We will open the schools if it is safe to open the schools. Everybody wants the schools open.”
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