Fox And Friends Has Great News: Antifa Pays By Direct Deposit!
Great News Fellow Liberals! Brian Kilmeade (the REAL stable genius?) says Antifa is paying rioters by direct deposit!
George Soros can eat his ever fun-so-lovin' heart out! Brian Kilmeade (obligatory Mensa mention here) says Antifa is paying rioters by direct deposit!
Seriously, a perusal of right-wing Twitter reveals a widespread opinion that George Soros funds every single Democratic and liberal outfit out there. (I can personally attest that Crooks and Liars, The Professional Left Podcast, and the Driftglass and Blue Gal individual blogs have never received a check from Soros.)
The one way I have found to silence those wingnuts is to suggest they search Twitter for the term "my Soros check" and discover that their claim is a long-running joke on "the Left."
But now, I want a shirt that says "VENMO ME, ANTIFA."
Fox and Friends take as their "proof" of Antifa "infiltrating" the Black Lives Matter movement, an interview between Bill Barr and Mark Levin. I am not making that up.
And don't miss how Brian Kilmeade, born 1964, misses the good old days when Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and James Baldwin outlined "what is wrong with America" and all the future Fox News viewers nodded in support and agreement.
What are Diamond and Silk up to these days, Brian? (Transcript and video h/t Heather)
Ainsley: Yes. He said if you watch most of the networks they are going to say these are peaceful protesters he said they are not telling the truth. These are really riots that are organized Antifa. Like you said use the word hijack, Steve. They are hijacking these demonstrations and they are provoking violence. He gave an interesting analogy that I thought was worth repeating. He said being like a official when he talks about the guerrilla warfare. Being like a fish, swimming in the ocean the way a guerrilla moves through the people. Hides out among the people as a fish in the ocean shrouds themselves in First Amendment activity go. Into demonstrations, shield themselves and that's where they swim.
Brian: If you look at the 60's with the racial unrest. If you want to know what the issues were and how to solve them, you sit down and listen to James Baldwin. You look at Martin Luther King Jr., you talk to Malcolm X and they sit down and meet the press and sit down with the news stars of that day and say this is exactly what's wrong with America and this is how I want to fix it. There is nobody to talk to on the other side because it's been swamped by shirtless skateboarders who evidently are getting paid direct deposit from Antifa.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Investigators in Richmond, Virginia found out that the rioters there were White nationalists posing as Black Lives Matter protestors. Something you will NEVER hear on Fox and Friends or The Mark Levin Show.