Fox And Friends: Your Child Won't Die From COVID19 - So It's Okay To Send Them To School
Parents and school boards should not trust the daily flip-flop from Fox on children and Covid19.
Fox and Friends brought on Trump's favorite Fox News doctor to insidiously promote sending your kids back to school because your kid "probably won't die."
Dr. Mark Siegel joined Fox and Friends earlier today and gave this rousing speech in support of sending your children off into a COVID19 petrie dish, all in support of Trump.
After reading out statistics about mortality rates for children, co-host Steve Doocy asked, "When you look at the parents who are trying to decide, 'Do I send my kid to school do I keep him here?', what's the checklist they go through?"
Even though the long-term effects of Covid19 have not been finalized for anybody including young people, Fox quack Dr. Mark Siegel promoted (in his best Trump TV propaganda style) the idea that kids don't get sick enough from the coronavirus to warrant their absence from school.
His simple solution is if parents teach their kids social distancing skills then they will be fine.
Has Mark Siegel ever seen an 11-year-old at school?
Or a 16-year-old or nine-year-old or 17-year-old or a seven-year-old?
"I think schools should be open," Siegel said.
Kilmeade then jumped in and said "tell the parents ahead of time that your kids might test positive but they going to be just fine."
Wow, that's every parent's dream, to purposely have their children infected with a virus during a pandemic.
Instead of showing outrage, this quack doctor agreed and said, "Exactly, Brian."
Dr. Siegel then listed a bunch of nonsense for the reasons your kids must attend school in the pandemic.
The Fox quack ended by saying it's a "big mistake of we don't open up the schools!"
Brian replied, "We gotta live with this."
Yes, that's exactly right but we don't have to send our children into a burning building and see if they will catch on fire.
This man should be stripped of his medical license and Fox and Friends held responsible for spreading disinformation. Any bereaved parent who loses a child to COVID because they believed Dr. Siegel should sue the network.