Huckabee Excuses Trump Lawbreaking At RNC With Fantasy That The Left Doesn't Care About Rioting

Former Arkansas Governor turned Fox contributor and Trump apologist Mike Huckabee resorted to telling their audience a fantasy about liberals to excuse the blatant lawbreaking we saw at the RNC last night.

Fox's Chris Wallace was the one person on the network that actually expressed some concern for the fact that the Trump campaign is blatantly violating the Hatch Act by using federal property to host their political convention, and that Sec. of State Mike Pompeo was in violation of State Department regulations when he made his convention speech from Jerusalem.

Those concerns were magically wiped away during Trump's favorite morning show on his propaganda network the following day, with his cheerleaders giving props to the fiasco in one segment after another, and one of their guests, network regular Mike Huckabee, invoking this bit of fantasy about the left to excuse the First Lady giving her speech in the Rose Garden of the White House:

HUCKABEE: And it was interesting to me, I'll just say this. How many people out there on the left criticized the fact that she spoke at the White House, federal property, and I'm thinking, why weren't you guys so concerned about federal property being burned, looted and statues torn down and you got upset because the first lady gave a beautiful message of what this country means to her and how hard she worked to get here? And what an incredible experience it is for someone who became a citizen in 2006 to now be the First Lady of the United States, and to do it with such charm and elegance.

It was a beautiful thing to see that last night. Again, how do you find fault with that? You got to be a real angry bitter person to do it.

Never mind that one mayor, after another, after another, after another has spoken out against the rioting and looting that has taken place in their cities, and while fully supporting people's right to peacefully protest, do not support the fact that they've been hijacked (many times by those on the right) and turned violent.

But that doesn't fit into the right-wing narrative that Democrats want to turn the entire United States into one giant lawless hellhole, despite the fact that the things they're fearmongering about are happening on Trump's watch.

The actions we've seen from this corrupt administration which have been aided and abetted by Republicans and their lickspittles in right wing media should mean that Republicans have forever lost the right to claim that they are somehow the "law and order" party, but don't expect the rest of the media to ever hold them accountable for their blatant hypocrisy.

If Democrats had even thought about doing one tenth of the things we've seen right out in the open from this Trump administration, the airways would be flooded with Republicans screaming like banshees, and the media would be right there with them expressing outrage over the behavior. Instead, we're treated to one story after another about them "breaking norms" on CNN and MSNBC and no one holding Republicans feet to the fire about why they're allowing it to continue, and support and excuses for the lawbreaking over on state-run TV like the segment above.

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