Pelosi: You've Mistaken Republicans For 'Someone Who Gives A Damn'

The Speaker of the House had to patiently explain to Jim Cramer that Republicans simply do not care about people. At all.

As we all wait with bated breath to see if the Senate will crater the economy by yanking boosted unemployment benefits out from under working people and allow them to be evicted from their homes, thereby sparking a large-scale meltdown and possibly worse depression than the Great Depression, Jim Cramer is there on CNBC to fight for the little guy.

Or so he claims, anyway. I'm skeptical. Earlier this morning while speaking to Nancy Pelosi he asked why SHE couldn't reach across the aisle to see if they'd agree to honor John Lewis by taking care of the people who most need help. He was passionate, as if he was ready to launch yet another "populist uprising" like 2009, with Pelosi barely suppressing a laugh as he went on.

"Perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gives a damn for what you just described," she replied coolly. "That's the problem."

"The thing is, they don't believe in governance. They don't believe in governance and that requires some acts of government to do that," she continued.

QUEEN. That is all. She knows she's got the leverage and she's using it.

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