White House Chief Of Staff Meadows Pushes Lies About 'Widespread Voter Fraud' Again
CNN and the other news networks need to quit giving these liars a platform to spew disinformation as Meadows did here.
The Trump administration continues to assert that there's a problem with "widespread voter fraud" to justify their sabotage of the United States Postal Service, despite the fact that they had to disband their own "voter fraud" commission back in 2018, because even their minion Kris Kobach couldn't find any, and the fact that there is extensive research that reveals that incidents of voter fraud are actually very rare.
CNN's Jake Tapper didn't bother to bring any of that up during an interview with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows this Sunday, where he allowed Meadows to steamroll right over him with a barrage of lies during the entire interview, with only tepid push back like we saw during this portion of the exchange:
TAPPER: But there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud though. [...]
MEADOWS: There's no evidence that's there's not either, but that's the definition of fraud, Jake.
It really does not benefit the public one iota to allow these liars on your network if you aren't going to sufficiently push back against the gaslighting and make it crystal clear to the viewers that what they are saying is not true. They need to quit putting them on, or hire some anchors that are better at their jobs.