Claire McCaskill Tells Nicolle Wallace: 'This Guy Is Too DUMB To Lead This Country!'

The former senator nails Trump on "the ultimate stupidity" of 18 hours of interviews during an election year.

Claire McCaskill joined Nicolle Wallace and John Heilemann to react to the today's news of Bob Woodward's new book, cataloguing 18 interviews and at least as many hours of tape recordings. In it, Trump admits to many things he doesn't realize are unflattering or, you know, outright admissions of criminal negligent homicide. No, this dude thinks he's impressing Woodward, and says these things knowing he's being recorded. Revelations include everything from the fact that he is on tape saying he intentionally downplayed the seriousness and contagiousness of COVID-19 to his preening about Kim Jung Un calling him "Excellency."

McCASKILL: I was going to say, I wanted to follow up on what John just said. I would, you know, think about this for a minute. Let's dwell on this for a second. He's obviously never READ a Woodward book. He doesn't understand what Woodward books ARE and so, is, that's strike one.

Strike two, is he sits for 18 interviews, okay? Who in their right mind who's running for office in a year, within the year, sits for 18 interviews with a journalist? This is not a smart thing to do.

HEILEMANN: With anyone.

McCASKILL: This is beyond folly. This is the ultimate stupidity. He is SO stupid, and he knows — he did the last interview like month ago! He did the last interview a month ago, so when is the book coming out? The book is coming out within two months of his election. With tapes! 18 hours of tapes! Hours and hours of tapes! So this president is the stupidest president that's ever held the office. Forget about, for a minute, for all of his followers, forget about the integrity issue. Forget about the character issue. This guy's too DUMB to lead this country because this was really, really stupid.

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