DHS Withheld Report Of Russia Propaganda Plan To Attack Biden's Mental Health

Taking their guidance from Russia, Fox News and the Trump campaign has picked up the Biden health attacks.

Donald Trump has turned every federal law enforcement agency into his personal enforcement militia to help him win reelection.

That point is hammered home by this shocking ABC news report.

Refusing to testify at congressional hearings, ignoring congressional subpoenas, lying to the FBI, has been the norm under the Trump administration, all to deflect from their criminal activities.

And now we have the DHS covering up Russia's latest election interference scheme: influence voters to not trust the mental health of Joe Biden.

The draft bulletin, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of US Candidates to Influence 2020 Election,” was submitted to the agency’s legislative and public affairs office for review on July 7. The analysis was not meant for public consumption, but it was set to be distributed to federal, state and local law enforcement partners two days later, on July 9, the emails show.

Just one hour after its submission, however, a senior DHS official intervened.

“Please hold on sending this one out until you have a chance to speak to [acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf]," wrote DHS Chief of Staff John Gountanis, according to an email obtained by ABC News.

That was nearly two months ago. But the bulletin was never circulated.

ABC's Jonathan Karl reports: "Intelligence analysts have determined with high confidence that Russia is trying to convince voters Joe Biden isn't mentally fit to be president."

For two months now, the acting DHS director and Trump sycophant Chad Wolf, has buried the report. The DHS claim that they "needed more time to vet the story" is ridiculous.

It's no shock that for these last two months Trump, his campaign, his minions at Fox News, and every other right wing outlet have been trying to claim Joe Biden's mental health is impaired.

This is not a coincidence. It's a coordinated effort by a foreign country to influence our election.

That Russian propaganda is now being used and disseminated by a sitting president in the White House.

Disinformation rules!

Russian kompromat is all the Trump campaign has to run on.

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