Donald Trump: Get Rid Of Ballots And I'll Win

Since Trump can't string together a coherent sentence it's hard to even understand if he's talking about all ballots, some ballots, or just mail-in ballots. But he'd rather just have a continuation of power.

In the last few days Donald Trump has ramped up his attempts to destroy the integrity of the 2020 presidential election by denouncing ballots of any type and refusing to commit to leaving the White House peacefully if he loses.

On Wednesday, during a presser he made that last point quite clear.

Reporter: Will you commit to making sure there's a peaceful transferal of power after the election?

Trump: We'll have to see what happens. I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster.

Reporter: I understand that, but people are rioting. Do you commit to make sure there's a peaceful transfer of power?

Trump: Get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very peaceful -- there won't be a transfer frankly. They'll be a continuation.

Like every authoritarian ruler out there. Putin is his role model. He'd love not to even have an election, just a continuation of power.

Since Trump can't string together a coherent sentence most of the time, it's hard to even understand if he's talking about all ballots, some ballots, or just mail-in ballots.

So, I'm going to take him at his actual words and not rewrite what he's telling America like his sycophants do.

Then on Thursday he claimed he's not sure the election can be honest.

MSNBC's Nicole Wallace cautioned the viewer that Trump lies throughout and she will fact check him after the video rolls.

Trump: We want to make sure the election is honest and I'm not sure it can be. I don't know that it can be with this whole situation, unsolicited ballots. They're unsolicited. Millions being sent to everybody and we'll see.

Hillary Clinton just a week ago or so told Joe Biden do not accept the results of the election under any circumstances, but you don't ask her that question. You only ask me the question.

Wallace came back and pointed out that Trump lied and Hillary Clinton did not say those words at all.

"What she said was she urged him not to concede a close race before all the votes were tallied. Aside from that he's not running against Hillary Clinton," Wallace said.

Trump is trying to destroy American democracy at its core.

Vote by land, by sea, or by mail.

Just vote him out.

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