Fox And Friends Claims If There's A Bomb Threat You Don't Tell Anybody About It
This ranks at the top of the heap of moronic excuses Trump sycophants have used to defend Trump lying to the American people about the severity of Covid19.
Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade tried to defend Trump's lie about the severity of COVID-19 and moronically claimed if a bomb threat is called in, the authorities don't evacuate or inform the general public of its existence, but instead refuse to tell anybody to investigate first. So they don't PANIC anyone. About a bomb in your house.
That's the opposite of what would actually happen because if a bomb were to exist in a building, you scream and run sirens and rush people in a panic. Otherwise, everybody will be killed by the BOMB.
Fox News is in DEFCON1 meltdown mode. The Bob Woodward tapes revealed Trump's criminal negligence in lying about the severity of the coronavirus. Fox has been trying to come up with an excuse for Trump ever since.
And today we have Brian Kilmeade, the Mensa brain of Fox and Friends, claiming that when there's a bomb threat called, you don't tell them about it, because that creates a "panic."
I mean has Brian Kilmeade even seen a B movie action sequence before? They evacuate the building when a bomb threat is called in, even if it's fake, just to protect the people inside as a precaution.
That Hollywood example is just for you, Trump's media minions, since you apparently live in fantasy-land.
Dr. Oz was on this morning's Fox and Friends, and as a lead-in to talk about the Bob Woodward tapes Brian Kilmeade said, "The hottest conversation in America right now and it's Bob Woodward spoke to the president of the United States about how it is serious this virus is coming ashore, but he played it down publicly."
He continued, "Like if you hear about a bomb scare -- you try to investigate it, but you don't necessarily tell the American public your house could blow up any moment."
I don't think I've heard a stupider Trump-defense in my life.
Brian! The coronavirus bomb did go off! There's almost 200,000 Americans dead from the virus explosion that Trump didn't want to "panic" us about. And that death rate is entirely because of Trump's negligence.
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