Jessica Tarlov Taunts Fox News Panel: 'It Sounds Exactly Like Trump. You Can't Deny It.'

Democratic analyst Jessica Tarlov drove Fox News' Outnumbered panel crazy when she outlined the many times Trump has disparaged the military and its members.

Democratic analyst Jessica Tarlov drove Fox News' Outnumbered panel crazy when she outlined the many times Trump has disparaged the military and its members.

The report from The Atlantic with four anonymous sources shows how disgusting and narcissistic Trump is. He's more worried about his hair getting messed up than he is in the men and women who have given up their lives for our country.

The report has been verified by the Associated Press and The Washington Post but Fox News is having trouble handling the truth.

After railing on the media, the press, and every former Trump official who hates him -- of which there are many -- co-host Melissa Francis finally gave Jessica Tarlov, the appointed liberal, a chance to speak.

Tarlov didn't squander the opportunity because they immediately tried interrupting her and cutting her off.

As she outlined Trump's hatred for John McCain, Melissa Francis cut in and said he's always talking about loving the military.

Tarlov replied, "Saying I love the military and calling John McCain a loser do not work with one another."

She continued, "The words in that story directly mimic what Donald Trump says all the time. He calls people losers and suckers but. He mocks the disabled -- "

Francis tried to cut her off again and move on to Katie Pavlich.

"You fell off a cliff there. Katie, go ahead," Francis said, but Tarlov did not relent.

"Melissa, just one second," Tarlov said.

"Saying I love the military and calling John McCain a loser do not work with one another. That's absolutely impossible," she said.

"He didn't get Veterans Choice passed, that was President Obama ---" Again, Jessica was interrupted.

"The words in that story directly mimic what Donald Trump says all the time. He calls people losers and suckers. He mocks the disabled. There's a part in there where he says 'I don't want amputees in the military parade, who wants to look at that?'," Tarlov continued.

"That's how he talks," she said. "'Oh, look at that one, she's a beauty' It sounds exactly like him, you can't deny it!"

Francis was perturbed so she moved on to the next Trump propagandist.

Good on Tarlov.

She outlined very succinctly how awful and disgraceful Trump has been to women, and the military, it's undeniable.

UPDATE: Fox News has now confirmed the story.

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