Chris Wallace Bashes Dr. Scott Atlas As Someone You Shouldn't Listen To

Chris Wallace destroyed the credibility of the latest member of Trump's coronavirus task force Dr. Scott Atlas, toady and unqualified "doctor."

On Fox News Friday morning, Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace destroyed the credibility of Dr. Scott Atlas, latest member of the coronavirus task force and Trump toady.

Fox News host Sandra Smith was excited that Fox News scored an exclusive interview with the notorious Dr. Scott Atlas, who was recently promoted to the coronavirus Task Force by Trump because of his anti-mask wearing stance and many appearances with Tucker Carlson.

Smith commented on Atlas’ article and brought it up with Fox News Sundays Chris Wallace during today's America's Newsroom.

Atlas' interview reads like a fan boy promoting the Incredible Hulk and he projects Trump will make a "complete, full and rapid recovery," from the virus.

"There is zero reason to panic." Atlas said.

After giving Dr. Atlas a nice intro, Chris Wallace wasted no time in taking apart that charlatan.

Wallace said, "He's not an epidemiologist. It is not an infectious disease specialist he has no training in this area at all. There are number of top people within the coronavirus task force who have had grave concerns about Scott Atlas in his scientific bona fides."

Wallace knows what will come next but didn't stop his honest assessment. " I know I'm going to get a lot of push-back on this. I very much hope that everything he says is true. One -- he can't know because the president is just in the earliest stages of this and two -- I understand the desire of the White House and its political people to try to talk this down and I'm certainly not trying to talk it up."

"Follow the scientists. Listen to people like Dr. Fauci, listen to people like Deborah Birx who have largely been cut off. The independent people do not have a political ax to grind and I frankly don't think that Scott Atlas is one of those people," Wallace said.

Meanwhile, fanboy Dr,. Oz said just the opposite of Dr. Atlas and actually called Trump obese live on air.

At age 74 and being 244 pounds, which takes his BMI over 30, which is the obese category, he’s got those two risk factors. Here in New York City, being obese was the single biggest risk factor for having big-time complications,” he explained. “But just going on age, if you’re a young male versus a 74-year-old gentleman, the difference is quite dramatic.” “74-year-olds are going to be about five times higher to have hospitalization and probably about 90 times higher mortality rate,” Dr. Oz noted.

As much as Trump tries to hide it, he's obese and 74, and he's at risk.

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