Donna Brazile Slaps Down Karl Rove's Critique Of Kamala Harris' 'Likability'
When they can't criticize on substance, they go for misogyny, just like Karl Rove did. Donna Brazile would have none of it.
Karl Rove's role on Fox News was to play the misogynistic jerk. They had a few of those, but Rove was probably the most obvious. Here we are during a panel discussion, talking about how Senator Kamala Harris performed.
"Was she likable tonight?" asked Bret Baier, even though several panelists had already made it clear they didn't think she was at all likable.
"I don't think she did a good job of making herself likable" Karl Rove snarked. "The scowls and the funny faces were not that helpful."
An audible laugh came up from Donna Brazile, with this retort: "She's not marrying you!"
I get so tired of the ridiculous standards these jerks put on women. She was fine. At least she managed to keep her damned answers within the time limits.