Drudge Report: Is Trump Burned Out?
The Drudge Report has been not toeing the Fox News company line for Trump at all.
The Drudge Report's homepage is filled with negative Trump stories after Thursday nights competing town halls between presidential campaigns.
Drudge has been not toeing the Fox News company line for Trump at all.
Stories highlighted:
Biden ABC tops Trump on NBC in early ratings
Donald defends conspiracy that may be sealed didn't kill bin Laden
Others included:
LEAKED CALL: Sen. Sasse says 'kisses dictators' butts'...
Mocks evangelicals...
'He's flirted with white supremacists'...
'Spends like a drunken sailor'... MORE... Wondering
White House warned Giuliani was target of Russian intelligence operation...
Rudy Changes Story on Laptop...
Daughter voting for Biden...
FOX & FRIENDS Grow Increasingly Uncomfortable With His Conspiracies.....
This is terrible for Trump. One of the biggest aggregators of conservative news is doing the right thing and highlighting all of Donald's serious flaws and narcissistic tendencies, three weeks before the election.