Fox Reporter Blows Up Biden Smear Campaign: Docs Didn't Show Any Role For Joe Biden

As the other half of Fox News tries to use a former Hunter Biden business partner as an alleged whistleblower, the Wall Street Journal and this Fox News reporter insist there's no involvement of Joe Biden in the alleged scheme.

Fox News' Kristen Fisher joined Fox and Friends this morning and blew up their entire conspiratorial narrative to implicate Joe Biden in a nefarious business deal.

Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon concocted their "October surprise" narrative around Hunter Biden, three suddenly discovered laptops and a new former business partner -- all to try to implicate Joe Biden in shady business deals in an effort to undermine his election chances.

After Rudy's laptop gambit was roundly dismissed by most of the mainstream media -- his latest move was to introduce Hunter's former business partner to wrap up the final week of the election with more disinformation.

It's as scummy and outrageous as Trump is.

We are not surprised.

Fox and Friends has been pounding these stories endlessly even though Fox News refused to break the Giuliani laptop kompromat, but that didn't stop their TV shows from running with it ad infinitum.

However, the three-headed Trump TV stars brought on Fox News reporter Kristen Fisher to discuss the latest, and she blew their narrative to pieces.

After recapping some of the events, Fischer made these very important points.

"Fox News and the Wall Street Journal have reviewed all of the business documents that Hunter Biden's old business partner Tony Bublinski turned over, and they did not show a role for Joe Biden in this business venture -- nor did they show the former vice president had taken any money from the venture," Fisher said.

Not the recap they were hoping for, Brian Kilmeade thanked her and then tried to implicate Joe Biden in this fraud, AGAIN.

Unproven and crazy conspiracy theories abound in the GOP as QAnon has taken over the entire right-wing media complex.

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