Mike's Blog Round Up

Links to Liberal Blogs

The "Don't Let It Dominate You" Edition.

Nothing to fear? Bark Bark Woof Woof thinks otherwise.

Campaign Tax Truths from Rants From The Rookery.

Joe. My. God. examines The Federalist. Actual Federalist Headline: How Strong Women Like Amy Coney Barrett Submit To Their Husbands With Joy (via the invaluable Scottie.)

Humanizing the Vacuum what-ifs Trump's reactions to his diagnosis.

Bonus One Really Weird Thing Track, from The Rude Pundit. The Trump Blood Cult:

Truculent doom gnome Ben Shapiro tweeted, "You think 2020 has seen its biggest twist? Wait until Trump develops the anti-covid serum using his own antibodies like Will Smith in 'I Am Legend,' and then wins 50 states," although he later claimed he was joking (which is what every conservative says whenever they realize exactly how deranged and dumb they sound, so kudos to wee Benjamin for his self-awareness). Donald Trump, Jr. came out of his coke-and-shame bender long enough to post a meme on Instagram that read, "Imagine this: Trump gets all better and donates his plasma to develop a corona treatment. And then all liberals will have to get vaccinated with Trump's blood." And there are other examples of the Trump blood cult revealing itself. Sure, an air of facetiousness, another tiresome "own the libs" trope, threads through them, but there's no way to separate the responses from what is an ever-growing worship of Donald Trump.

Too weird.

M. Bouffant typed this. He types here as well. Send suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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