Peggy Noonan's 'Bitchy' Remarks About Kamala Harris Earn A Claire McCaskill Takedown
So Peggy Noonan thinks Kamala Harris is "embarrassing?" Former Senator Claire McCaskill gives Noonan a lesson in what's embarrassing Americans right now and it is not that.
Peggy Noonan wrote some words in Sunday's Wall Street Journal which could have been written by any right-wing racist hack who wanted to be a sexist jerk. You know, as they do.
You may have seen the viral clip of Senator Harris dancing in the Florida rain, a clip that went viral not because it was embarrassing, but because it was lovely. And joyful. And hopeful.
This photo of it is as iconic as any of Obama on the campaign trail in 2008. I dare anyone to say otherwise.
So here comes Noonan with her poison pen on Sunday. Since I don't plan to link back or otherwise give Google love to her, here are her words captured in a screenshot:
Yeah, she called Kamala Harris "embarrassing" for bringing a little joy into the campaign.
And Claire McCaskill was not having it. Not one bit. At all. She channeled all the anger I felt when I saw Noonan's BS and did it well.
"I'm going to take a deep breath," she said. "And I'm going to try to stay calm here."
Me too. Working hard on that. Keeping the BP in normal range is a big deal here.
"I'm never more disappointed in a woman that I thought I admired in my life," McCaskill growled. "She said at the end of that, you didn't read the very last part of that paragraph, Nicolle, because she said it is embarrassing."
Yeah, Wallace didn't read it because it was an ugly, racist, sexist thing to say. Yes, women can be misogynists too. So Claire educated Peggy on what's really embarrassing.
"Well, I'll tell you what's embarrassing. Listen up, Peggy," she commanded. "A president that pays off porn stars, a president that pulls babies out of the arms of their mothers, a president who likes to grab women by the you know what, a president who uses the White House for campaign events, a president who praises white supremacists. And yes, even a president who can't dance, doesn't know how to show joy or empathy and tries to do some kind of ridiculous arm thrust to YMCA. That is what is embarrassing."
"Kamala Harris is anything but embarrassing," McCaskill said. "She is uplifting. She's inspirational. She's strong and substantial and she's going to be one hell of a vice president. Thank you."
No, Thank YOU, Senator McCaskill. But I'll let you, the reader be the judge. Here for your benefit, is Donald Trump "dancing" at a rally just last week.
Who is the embarrassment, again?