Sen. Durbin: Mitch McConnell Changed The Rules, Packed The Courts And 'They Brag About It'

Republicans destroyed decades of long held traditions within the Senate Judiciary Committee, packed all federal courts with unqualified people and then reversed themselves in the course of the same administration over a Supreme Court vacancy.

Sen. Dick Durbin told Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell changed the rules after refusing to hold hearings for Judge Merrick Garland during the Obama Administration and has been packing the courts ever since.

Chuck Todd, playing the both sides game, asked if Democrats were going to pack the courts in retribution for the Barrett nomination if Joe Biden wins.

Hitting the nail on the head, Durbin replied, "It's a common question being asked because the American people have watched the Republicans packing the Court over the last three and a half years. And they brag about it."

Trump and Republicans brag about it. That's been a re-election selling point for Trump.

The religious right jumps for joy! (Oh, how Jesus would be saddened by this behavior.)

"They've taken every vacancy and filled it," Durbin continued. "Did you know that they've sent to us -- and we have approved only with their votes, I might add -- ten people who have been judged unanimously unqualified by the American Bar Association? Do you know how many judicial nominees who came from Obama who were judged unanimously unqualified? None. So, we are dealing with people on the Court, packed into the Court, with little or no qualification, who are going to be there for a long time. So it's understandable that Republicans raise the issue of Court packing."

Democratic voters remember Majority Leader McConnell's refusal to even hold a hearing for the Merrick Garland nomination eight months before the general election while citing his own new rule for doing so.

Now when asked about McConnell's actions, Trump yells that in 2016 he won so f**k off. And the GOP genuflects.

McConnell claimed as Majority leader that no Supreme Court vacancy should be filled during a year before a general election until the people had voted and whoever won the presidency would then fill the vacancy. He even had the nerve to call it the "Biden rule."

Now of course, since the shoe is on the other foot for Republicans, that rule is poppycock.

As usual it's okay for Republicans to break the rules, destroy decades of long traditions held within the Senate, pack all federal courts with unqualified people and then reverse themselves in the course of the same administration to fill a Supreme court vacancy less than two months before a general election, and then whine about the possibility of Democrats rebalancing and reforming the courts.

The unfortunate passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has shown Majority Leader McConnell to be pure evil as he rushes to push through a Supreme Court nominee while COVID-19 ravages the White House and several members on the Senate Judiciary committee.

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