Stupid Chuck Todd Statement Of The Day: Biden's Taking COVID 'Too Seriously'
For Chuck Todd, there is no issue for which he doesn't have a "bothsides" remark.
Today's winner of the "Let's Spike Karoli's Blood Pressure" award of the day goes to Chuck Todd, who just can't seem to ever take anything more seriously than how it affects the horse race.
While introducing his guests Markos Moulitsas and Michael Steele, Todd managed to not only minimize the 227,000 people dead of COVID-19, but do it in a way intended to minimize Donald Trump's dangerous and irresponsible approach to the virus.
That takes some talent, people. Here's what he said: : "Interesting when you look at both candidates in some ways one not taking the virus seriously enough at all, and one if there's a criticism is he taking it too seriously at least when it comes to campaigning?"
No, Chuck, he's doing what the scientists say: Wearing a mask and staying socially distanced. He's making sure the voters and supporters who come to see his in-person events don't take away more than enthusiasm and a will to cast their vote for Biden.
What an insult to the quarter of a million people who have died from it. What an insult to their families. It's just offensive to have him toss off that question because he has a pathological need for balance, one that says if we have a president who thinks the way to deal with the virus is to ignore it and let people die where they will, the other guy must have a way of dealing with it that's bad, too.
Seriously, Chuck Todd, please pick up your french horn or whatever else you play and take it up as your new profession because you have no business staying in this one.