Trump Claims He Doesn't Know If He Was Tested For Covid Before The First Debate

Trump claims he had no idea if he was infectious when he debated Joe Biden.

Donald Trump hemmed, and hawed, and refused to answer directly to NBC's Savannah Guthrie opening Town Hall question: Did he know he was infected the day of the first presidential debate?

This is crazy. Not only did Trump say he had 'no idea' if he was infectious when he debated Joe Biden, he wouldn't even tell the American people how many tests he took for COVID, when he first tested positive, and when he first tested negative.

And you wonder why the pandemic has continued to spread and grow at an alarming rate?

And remember what Chris Wallace told us:Trump arrived too late to be tested for coronavirus at the first presidential debate.

Having Trump partake in an honor system is like asking Jeffrey Dahmer not to eat the people he's putting in his freezer.

Guthrie then began the questioning, which he repeatedly dodged.

GUTHRIE: Back to the debate, because the debate commission's rules, it was the honor system, would be that you would come with a negative test. You say you don't know if you got a test on the day of the debate?

TRUMP: I had no problem. Again, the doctors do it. I don't ask them. I test all the time.

GUTHRIE: Did you take a test, though, on the day of the debate?

TRUMP: If you ask the doctors, they'll give you a perfect answer. They take a test, I leave, I go about my business.

GUTHRIE: Did you take a test on the day of the debate, I guess is the bottom line.

TRUMP: I probably did. I took a test before, the day before. I was in great shape for the debate. It was only after the debate, like a period of time after the debate, that I said, that's interesting, and they took a test, and it tested positive.

GUTHRIE: Just to button it up, do you take a test every single day?

TRUMP: No. no. But I take a lot of tests.

GUTHRIE: And you don't know if you took a test the day of the debate?

TRUMP: Possibly I did, possibly I didn't.

Possibility? You're the f**king president. You should know and you do know.


Did they arrive late to the first debate in hopes of infecting Joe Biden, too?

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