Trump Pretends Pelosi's 25th Amendment Commission Is Meant For Joe Biden

More projection from Dear Leader during yet another in-kind campaign contribution from Fox "news."

During another rambling interview on his favorite propaganda network where he told host Maria Bartiromo that he's now "immune" to the coronavirus, Donald Trump was asked about Nancy Pelosi's proposal for a commission to help determine the fitness of the president.

Trump, of course, responded by attempting to project his problems with mental acuity onto his opponent, Joe Biden. Trump also made the ridiculous assertion that he's going to get a lot of Sanders' voters over the issue of trade.

BARTIROMO: Mr. President, I want to ask you about a policy in a second term, but first, I've got to get your reaction to what Nancy Pelosi said this weekend. She is questioning if those steroid treatments that you were on -- I know you're not on them anymore -- are influencing your decision making, and on Friday she raised the idea of a presidential succession bill to alter the 25th Amendment process. She wants congress to be able to take out a president if they deem he is unfit. Here's Nancy Pelosi this weekend. I've got to get your reaction.


TRUMP: Well, I think she's talking about Joe Biden because, to be honest with you, he's the one that's got the problem and, obviously, it's obvious to anybody that watches him speak. He's the one that got... that has the problem, and they want to put a super radical-left person in like kamala who's worse than... who's further left than Bernie Sanders.

And, you know, that whole thing is breaking up now because the left isn't getting what they want. All of a sudden they're back into fracking and all the things that they talked about they wouldn't do, and now they're saying they're going to do them. The left is very unhappy.

I'm going to get a lot of people because of my great policies on trade. They're going to, just like last time, Bernie Sanders' people are going to vote for me because of what I've done on trade. Because what I've done on trade is a miracle.

And we have a long way to go because frankly, they interrupted it with the impeachment hoax and various other things.

But, no, I think she's talking -- and a lot of people think she's talking about Joe Biden, getting him out. And, frankly, you know, that's, that's the way I view it. I certainly view it that way.

Trump then insisted that he's "not on any medication" before basically doing an infomercial for the antibody treatment he was given, making me wonder just how much stock he's got in the company or what other financial conflict of interests are going on with either Trump, his family or his donors.

TRUMP: As far as medication, I'm not on any medication. I'm not on any medication. And the medications that I took were standard, pretty much routine, other than the one which is the miracle, it's the antibody stuff, which is incredible how it works.

And we're going to be delivering that to hospitals. We're waiting for the emergency use authorization. And we're going to be delivering that to hospitals all over the country to take care and, ultimately, all over the world, because it's incredible.

Actually, what we have done, Maria, during this short period of time, six, seven months, in terms of labs and doctors and medicines and therapeutics, and not even talking about vaccines which are going to be phenomenal and coming out very soon. What we've done, nobody else could have done.

And I got the FDA to approve things at levels of speed that nobody would have thought possible. It could have taken years, and I got them to do it in weeks. And they did the right thing, by the way. But you'll see that very soon with the vaccines, and you'll also see it with the antibodies. The antibodies have been fantastic.

If the reporting is to be believed, Trump's treatment was anything but "standard." Experts described his treatment with several experimental drugs as "throwing the kitchen sink at him."

Trump is set to resume his campaign rallies this weekend, consequences and whether he's still contagious or not be damned.

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