Trump's Lies And Disinformation Are His Only Election Strategy
In Trump's recent Wisconsin rally, he told 131 false or inaccurate statements in 90 minutes.
Since Donald Trump began his political career in 2015, he has become the single greatest spreader of misinformation, lies, and exaggerations to ever run for president. But you knew that.
Washington Post has been tracking the amount of disinformation the so-called president spreads, and it's alarming. He passed the 20,000 lie mark in July 2020 and he never stopped.
It's gotten so bad that The Fact Checker team at the Post can't even keep up with the number of lies he spews.
"Just in the first 27 days of August, the president made 1,506 false or misleading claims, or 56 a day. Some days were extraordinary: 189 claims (a record) on Aug. 11, 147 claims on Aug. 17, 113 claims on Aug. 20. The previous one-day record was 138 claims — on Nov. 5, 2018, the day before the midterm elections."
It doesn't take long for Trump to begin his liefest during a campaign rally.
The truth? America has more cases and deaths per capita than any major country in Europe but Spain and Belgium. The United States has just 4 percent of the world’s population but accounts for almost a quarter of the global deaths from Covid-19. On Oct. 17, the day of Mr. Trump’s rally in Janesville, cases were rising to record levels across much of the country.
Over the course of the next 87 minutes, the president made another 130 false or inaccurate statements. Many were entirely made up. Others were casual misstatements of simple facts, some clearly intended to mislead. He lied about his own record and that of his opponent. He made wild exaggerations that violate even the pliable limits of standard political hyperbole.
Trump's hyperventilating lies have infected the country in such a negative way, that his supporters welcome each lie vigorously.
Insane QAnon conspiracies are now cosigned by the White House.
The entire GOP is now nothing more than extremest power-hungry know-nothings with no agenda, other than using the Supreme Court to overturn the will of the American people by a minority rule.