Brian Kilmeade: Trump's Super Spreader Rallies Prove Trump Won

The sourpuss, sour-faced sore losers from the Republican party have upped their whining, bellyaching, conspiracies and grievance politics to historic levels in an effort to steal a presidential election from Joe Biden.

Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade claims that Trump's high energy rally sizes in cold weather proves that Trump won the election.

Fox and Friends spent a lot of time on a CNBC poll which states that the crybaby Trump supporters don't consider Joe Biden as the president.

Poor babies.

Since the Trump administration, Fox News, and all right-wing media outlets continually lie about "voter fraud" it's not surprising. Their viewers obey like Stepford wives and F&F was there to defend their cultist behavior.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade ranted like an embittered child...
whose Tonka truck was taken away by his parents...
because he bit other children in the sandbox...
just because they wanted to touch it.

"We saw what we saw," he said.

We saw it too. Trump lost the election by a landslide.

Kilmeade said, "We saw thousands of people come out in subfreezing weather to go out and see Trump (He began stumbling on his word) %^$* they were energized."

Kilmeade continued spewing nonsense and sounding like Trump, "We also saw an incredible ground game like never seen before from the RNC --- "

How did you see that?

Then Brian told a lie about Joe Biden because that's what Trump sycophants do.

"There we saw Joe Biden give uninspiring speeches to a few dozen cars where he screamed virtually the whole time and they say (who is they?) 'How did that guy win?' We still haven't quite found out."

In the real world, Biden gave the best speeches of his career and made Trump's narcissist ramblings look rattlebrained.

Really, look at the vote totals and look at the states that are certifying their elections. Biden turned two red states blue. Georgia hasn't voted for a Democratic president since Jimmy Carter.

Now look at Rudy Giuliani, and his black hair dye crawling down the sides of his face while he spewed nonsense. Look at Sydney Powell scream insane conspiracy theories before she was dumped by Team Trump.

The sourpuss, sour-faced, sore losers from the Republican Party have upped their whining, bellyaching and grievance politics to historic levels.

You lost. Deal with it.

And I don't mean by blowing up federal bullrings or kidnapping Democratic politicians either, but I fear the worst moving forward.

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