Chuck Todd Gifts GOP Senator Air Time To Push Lies That Trump Campaign Was 'Spied On'

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd demonstrates, once again, that he's very bad at his job.

While Chuck Todd was correct to point out that what the Trump campaign and their lawyers have been doing over the last few weeks does basically amount to an assault on our democracy, he allowed something just as dangerous to go on during his interview with North Dakota GOP Sen. Kevin Cramer, which was to allow Cramer to push disproven lies and conspiracy theories on our airways unchecked.

During an interview on this Sunday's Meet the Press, Todd asked Cramer if he was willing to concede that the election is finally over now, and Cramer proceeded to throw cold water on the notion that what Giuliani and his colleagues have been doing is damaging to our democracy, and to push the lie that the Trump campaign was spied on, which the DOJ's own watchdog and the FBI have already shot down as false. Cramer was also allowed to lie about the Mueller investigation, claiming falsely that there was "no evidence" for the investigation and ignoring that Rod Rosenstein prevented Mueller from looking into Trump's ties with Russia.

CRAMER: Chuck, thank you for the opportunity to be with you. And no, I do not, although I think it's very likely. That said, I don't know why we're so easily offended by a president that's carrying out all of his legal options in court, not enhancing or encouraging any riots or burnings of buildings or beating up of Democrats coming out of the Democratic meetings or events.

It's just a simple legal process and really there's not been a lot of evidentiary hearings that have evolved the Trump case. There have been other hearings. I noticed you used a number that was rather large of cases that have been thrown out or dismissed.

But when you look at actually looking at evidence, there have not been many, if any, and maybe the Pennsylvania was the first one. So, I think everyone ought to calm down a little bit. I don't think this is an attack on our democracy.

I mean, we spent four years listening to new shows and liberals, discrediting, trying to discredit the Trump administration to the point of spying on him by the last administration, $40 million spent on a independent counsel that started with no evidence and ended that there was no evidence and then of course this crazy impeachment.

So I think what we're experiencing now—everyone ought to just relax and let it play out in the legal way. We'll be just fine.

After giving credence to these frivolous lawsuits that the Trump campaign has been losing in swing states across the country and pretending that there's nothing damaging about the antics we've been seeing from Rudy Giuliani's embarrassing clown show, Cramer did admit that it's "past time" for the Trump administration to cooperate with the transition, but Cramer also continued to pretend that there's any uncertainty about whether Biden has actually won the presidential election, and accused Biden of being "overly dramatic" with the warnings he's given about how dangerous this game is they're playing when we're in the middle of a pandemic and the fact that this stalling could end up hampering vaccine distribution once Biden takes office.

If Todd is truly concerned about the condition of our democracy in America, he and his producers should quit giving unfettered airtime to dangerous liars like Cramer, and start fact-checking them in real time if they're going to have them on. Since Todd doesn't believe that's part of his job description, I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to change anytime soon.

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