DiaperDon Melts Down, Calls For The Takedown Of Twitter On Twitter

This looks kooky and it is, but it is the truth. Let's unpack.

#DiaperDon has struck.

This hashtag was trending on Twitter - Thanksgiving evening and the Orange Julius didn't like it.

After attacking reporters yesterday while sitting in a high chair like desk for toddlers, or baby piano players, the #1 Twitter trend became #DiaperDon.

So, of course wingnut cancel culture leader Trump wanted to destroy Twitter, his favorite social media platform by invoking a national security threat.

And then Trump attacked other media giants and the media like usual, to create conspiracy theories but forgets how Zuckerberg turned Facebook into a right wing swamp.

Where's Hunter? Lol.

Trump then used an OANN bogus report with no evidence that only 1000 people watched Joe Biden's Thanksgiving Address.

And now instead of trying to prove voter fraud, Trump wants Biden to prove his 80 million votes are valid. The American people proved it by voting on November 3rd, and the states are certifying them.

Where are the numbers? I mean I can't even....

The little toddler baby should try holding his breath until he turns blue and maybe that will reverse his massive election loss.

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