Drudge Report: Trump Has Less Than Five Percent Change Of Winning

The Drudge Report says that Trump has less than a five percent chance of winning the 2020 election. Matt Drudge's political publication posts the low odds of a Trump re-election, plus we have happy links to keep you from doom-scrolling.

The Drudge Report says that Trump has less than a five percent chance of winning the 2020 election. Matt Drudge's political publication posts the low odds of a Trump re-election. The Drudge Report data is from The Economist projections on the 2020 election. The Economist analyzes polling, economic and demographic data for their 2020 election forecasts, and the publication's final forecast is that "Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college."

I don't want to jinx anything but the fact that our country will not be led by a man who says insane things daily (like his opponent, who wants to cancel holidays). What would that be like?

Election Day 2020 is a very stressful event since America has PTSD since 2016. Here are some happy links and news to keep you from stress eating or doom-scrolling social media for a few minutes.

Katie Porter Is Awesome
On Halloween, Katie Porter posted a video with a nod to "Mean Girls". The California representative tweeted: "Get In loser, we're going to vote."

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace and Joy Reid Make History
MSNBC's Election night coverage in 2020 will have three of our favorite anchors, Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, and Joy Reid calling out the results. This trio is making history, read more about how they are breaking the glass ceiling.

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