Sedition On Fox And Friends As Host Calls For State Legislatures To Switch Votes To Trump

Fox News hosts have become total North Korean carnival barkers. Will Cain appeared on Fox and Friends to openly call for an insurrection in the country to support the narcissistic supreme toddler.

Fox and Friends host Will Cain claimed Trump can steal the election from Biden if enough state legislators ignore the 2020 presidential election vote entirely and switch the electors to Trump.

After playing a video clip of Jonathan Turley (who has soiled his reputation by becoming a Trump sycophant) saying there's no legal remedy for Trump's challenges to prevail, co-host Will Cain stepped in to promote a total insurrection of our democracy.

Cain said, "I think what’s happening here is we're are quickly moving toward a political case being made, meaning the Trump team is talking to state legislatures in Pennsylvania, Michigan and we know today in Arizona as well."

He continued, "Attempting to make their case. There may not be enough evidence for a court system but there should be enough evidence for state legislators to change their electors. Will they find more success there? We’ll soon find out.”

Steve Doocy chimed in by backing up these nefarious claims by saying, "Trump's messaging on the election is very clear. He thinks the election was stolen. And going forward there are a lot of people who were never going to believe the outcome of the election because the president said these numbers don't add up."

When Trump barely won the 2016 election and got smoked in the popular vote by HRC, Trump screamed that he actually won the popular vote, but the numbers were skewed by "massive voter fraud."

After he put together a bogus voter fraud committee ran by the odious Kris Kobach, they found no evidence of voter fraud.
The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

Four years later Trump is getting destroyed by a record amount of popular votes against a sitting president, so he's focusing only on mail-in ballots. Not only did he lose Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, Trump lost Georgia and Arizona, two red states with Republican governors.

During a pandemic, the states took measures to protect voters so that their constituents weren't forced to wait in massive lines and mingle with thousands of people.

Fox News hosts have become North Korean state carnival barkers backing up their lord and savior, and are openly calling for an insurrection in the country to support their narcissistic supreme toddler.

Some conservatives are calling out Fox News hosts for feeding Trump's base propaganda.

What took them so long?

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